Hazelbrook Pop Limited
Company Summary
Hazelbrook Pop Limited was set up on Monday the 14th of September 2020. Their current partial address is 38/39 Fitzwilliam Square, and the current official company status is Normal, however please note the RiskWatch entry below. The company's current directors have been the director of 5 other Irish companies between them. According to our records, Hazelbrook Pop Limited has had a judgment registered against it. Hazelbrook Pop Limited has 2 shareholders.
Company Vitals
- Company Name:Hazelbrook Pop Limited
- Time in Business:4 Years
- Company Number:677757
- Current Status:Normal
- May Trade As:
- Popsicle
- The Prestige Food Company
- East Coast Coffee & Kitchen
- Size:Small Company
- Principal Activity:Other Retail Sale of Food in Specialised Stores
- Partial Address:Dublin 2
Scheduled Date 29/01/2025
Document | Pages | Effective | Received |
Form SCARP1: Notice of Appointment of Process Adviser | 2 | 10/10/2024 | 10/10/2024 |
Form B2: Change of Company Registered Office Address | 2 | 04/10/2024 | 08/10/2024 |
FINANCIAL STATEMENT | 7 | 13/09/2023 | 21/09/2023 |
Form B1C - Annual Return General | 4 | 13/09/2023 | 21/09/2023 |
B10 CHANGE IN DIRECTORS/SECRETARY | 4 | 01/04/2023 | 31/07/2023 |
Constitution | 1 | 14/09/2020 | 26/08/2020 |
This company has 5 other documents.